
We came. We saw. We yakked about comms.

Thank you to everyone who attended 2018’s The Big Yak, we had a brilliant day and enjoyed seeing you all having fun, networking and learning about internal communication.

We were joined by 160 internal communication professionals and thanks to our 21 sponsors, were able to enjoy a whole day together. IC pros travelled from near and far to be in London on 9 June, including Cynthia from the Netherlands, Emanuela from Italy and various flights from Dublin and Belfast.

✅ 160 attendees
✅ 21 sponsors
✅ 8 volunteers on the day
✅ Epic swag
✅ “1000 yrs of experience in one room”

Want to know what it’s like to attend The Big Yak?

Here’s a taster of what the crowd has shared from our previous unconferences.

Helen Deverell shared some top networking tips to help comms pros.

Blog posts

The crowd decide the topics they’d like to discuss. In 2018 they were:


Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5
Measurement Creating a forward-looking culture through open and honest communications IC role in innovation How do we show the ROI of IC Newsletters, do they still hold value?
Change Comms Reviving intranets, O365 Growing comms champion network Helping Line Managers become better communicators How do we develop our own capabilities?
Crisis Comms Comms career progression Working smarter (agile) Getting executive buy-in Connecting people to purpose
Culture Change Coaching leaders Operationalising values and behaviours Storytelling CEO comms and corporate reputation


Remote workers with access to comms channels  Comms strategy Tackling tech takeover and saturation Community management and ESN strategy Internal comms and diversity
Engaging people who resist engagement Remote workers (no access to comms channels) Remote workers – using line managers Connecting global organisations M&A